Empire Guild (S129)
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Empire Guild (S129)

This the official forum for Guild Empire in Wartune on S129.

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Guild Master

6 posters

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1Guild Master Empty Guild Master Fri Apr 19, 2013 1:01 am



Well guys and gals I am now your new headmaster for guild and will be happy to make this guild as strong as possible with the help of each and everyone of you that will remain here.We have a strong guild and our plan is to keep it that way.This is a new start to a new empire, we plan to make it number 1 as it was once before but we cant do that alone so all active players must help each other in quest arenas etc. In the next few days there will be some changes to guild and officers etc. we will be recruiting new active members so in this process we will go through some tough times as a possible chance of not making gb but we will get back in with a week or so. All I ask of you that remain is to be patient give it some time and you will see that we will become a strong Empire again I give you my word.


2Guild Master Empty The Ghost Fri Apr 19, 2013 7:46 am



Hey guys,
Many old-time Empire members who knew me as Guild Master have left Empire already. I do log on every now and then to see how Empire is doing and how BullzEye is improving in the hand of another player.

I know I quit already and have no saying anymore in what is going on in Wartune, let alone in Empire.
But now Im at work and this forum (as many other thing for Empire) was created by me for you. So noone can stop me using it :twisted:
Here is some thought I have in short:

1. to start with negative: I am very disoppointed with many players who actually built Empire from the beginning and left so easily... well life slaps you sometime in the head , isn't it? :roll:
For ppl quiting (like me) I can accept couse there is a real life as well beyond the game, but going to another guild... even weaker one... it is hard to understand for me. For players leaving now, I don't blame them, Empire active base has shark so small its more like a family than a guild :lol:

That was the past, let’s look ahead:
2. I am happy that snibor was nice enough to take on this huge burden to lead Empire. I have no doubt that he will be (is) a good leader. He is experienced, nice, and able to look behind individuals as see us as a team. He is also positive and committed to stay in Empire and make it a prosperous guild once again in the long run, this positive thinking is a must for everyone.

3. There are several strengths we can build on and I am sure guys you will “play them well”:
- we are not 200 anymore, all active players can participate in ALL GB! That can draw a lot of players from other big guilds. Also we can still win 2 out of the 3 GBs… that’s a lot of insignia and honor
- our reputation is “us” its what the others think about Empire and either appeal to them or not. If others see how you nice to everyone and play as family, they might come join us.
- we can build lvl 10 shop in 10 days or so. We will be one of the few guilds with this: lvl 60 legendary stones and guild mount… hm, yummi! It can also bring some ppl in. Play it smart, try to avoid to have ppl come for “shoping” then leave but to make them stay. Actually it will take a while to stack up 50,000 contribution for the horse .

I do not think that Empire is in danger of loosing top 8 guild position, in fact I am kind of confident that we can stay in 4-6 place. Remember, the other guilds are shrinking as well. Let’s turn it around and start to grow back up. Ppl can join or come back as easily as they left once you get it going!

Best luck for all Empire members!

BullzEye (the original)


3Guild Master Empty Re: Guild Master Fri Apr 19, 2013 9:03 am



can still post here. i left empire cause we were gonna merge as was said . secondly cause last night no altar no tree nothing. morganna left already too.
this was signal for me that empire was dead . also so little communication as who what where these last days / a lot of hearsay / gossip was not a good thing .

for time being will see how things develop. am not a guild hopper but hope will be welcme back here if i don't feel at home in eternity.

4Guild Master Empty Re: Guild Master Fri Apr 19, 2013 2:19 pm



Hey Rudolf,
yes you can still post here. I did not block you (and some others) like I (and Morganna) usually blocked ppl because I know nice ppl who are just not sure what do and go with the flow. The reason I did not block some ppl:
1. they might get homesick reading the forum and come back :). I trust that these ppl will not turn their access against Empire.
2. Snibor is the leader now, he is admin of this forum and will decide whom to block and unblock :)

For the rest:
"there was no merge announced" at least as far I could see the chat last night. But even if there was a merge, it would have been to Empire and not from Empire :). So it was a simple misunderstanding or confusion.
"Morganna left" hell yeah she did. He was a big disappointment of mine. Actually I wanted to nominate someone else to take over the guild from me but many ppl refused, Morg accepted it gladly. But what did she do? Oh, god, nothing. There was no animation, no motivation in the guild from the moment I transferred ownership to her... big, big disappointment. But well, she is just a player like you or any of us, if she leaves Empire that doesn't mean anything... just one more out :)
Maybe it's just me but I would not follow the ppl that I thought were my friend in Empire and yet left so easily leaving guild, guildmates behind.

As snibor said said this is a new Empire now, a new ERA just begun where we are no poiled by winning all GBs and spending Guild wealth anything we like. It is an era of commitment, hard work and fellowship. This is a rough road ahead, not for the faint harted :shock:


5Guild Master Empty Re: Guild Master Mon Apr 22, 2013 11:52 am



Sorry Bullz, but I was there and I saw everything.

People's life changes daily. If you are now able to play, you don't know if tomorrow your work will permit that.

"Morg accepted it gladly. But what did she do? Oh, god, nothing. There was no animation, no motivation in the guild from the moment I transferred ownership to her... big, big disappointment."

I don't think so... She tried, as Ellen and the new Bullz tried too, but they can't fight the people who just leave the game saying nothing: Litanol, Inara, etc. Others were feeling that your 2 last weeks in charge was not the same (many empire players told me that was the turning point in empire) - The impression it gave to some people it was that Empire was falling - so started to think in lefting just after you tell in guild chat that you will give or sell your account. .

At this point Morganna was professionaly unable to do more for us - Not because she wanted. Ellen can tell you that too.
After monday's GB the last cut was given. In adiction to those people who gave up, Tsukino's people, felt that after a 30m won GB, reached lvl 8 wave altar and 68 people at ToA were a sigh to go - Griwa was unstopable kicking people! then he also left and joinned the people who previous had kicked - Who gave him this power status?

They left us with 38 people for wednesday GB. Friday GB we were 29 and finally we made a ToA Saturday with 26 people.

Snibor and Snakeye are trying everything to pull Empire back to top, but at this time it is so dificult you can not imagine. They know they can count with me, as I told them that someday I will return there, because that guild is my natural place. But I also need to grow up as a player, and at Empire at this time is almost impossible.

I feel very sorry for what happened here, but for the future take this note: at the first sight of stablestakers please kick her/him at the moment.

6Guild Master Empty Re: Guild Master Mon Apr 22, 2013 5:09 pm



For my part, as I said in due course,I will leave EMPIRE when this disappears.
I think everyone which we lead to EMPIRE to first place, we should be here at this difficult time.
I also had a place in another guild .... and here I am, this is my home and I will try to help rebuild.
I hope the new people to come help make this possible.
finally, I want to communicate that if someone needs something to contact me.
See you in game.

7Guild Master Empty Re: Guild Master Tue Apr 23, 2013 11:16 am



Well i decided to leave the game as well because it took too much of my time especially with Bullz leaving and Morganna not able to attend. I never wished for bein leader but somehow i had that responsabillity to make it Work nethertheless. I grew tired of responding to "everyones" Desires and complains. After i left i got a few emails telling me that empire seamed to fall Down with both me and Bullz gone..However i were happy to learn that Teddy had got the responsabillitie. He even took a week of from Work to make Empire stronger.. And i heard he did wonderfull job, untill Tsukimo ruined it by manipulating some of the ppl in guild. She did that because she didnt feel empire strongest ppl were helping the weaker and that would lead to empires downfall..So she had some rather silly suggestions, which i quite frankly couldnt relate too.She told us in a meeting that we should make these changes or else empire would fall( i guess u would have seen these) And it were the officers job..I told her if she felt so strongly about it, she should start making ppl go to our website and get them to participate more. Also i got rather angry with her, as to me i felt i helped ppl all the time, when i had done my own. But I guess she failed in that and in getting ppl to translate everything and since she didnt have the surport for her suggestions, she apperently made a doomsday move on empire together with Griwa.

8Guild Master Empty Re: Guild Master Tue Apr 23, 2013 4:35 pm



Well guys unfortunately this is the way of the world after everyone left that said they would stay it was tough for me and snake to make this guild work Mondays guild battle we won with 18 players but showing 33 online and 23 energize tree and 18 showing up for GB then after GB 9 people leave the guild and with no one helping each other the only choice is is to merge with some one else so I tried for 21 hrs straight talking to other guilds that would accept us all or to even come join us but no one would take us all or come to us some had no room and some would not accept certain players so the only one that would was Yacuzza and still could not get everyone to leave the guild so snake and I and a few others have decided to leave guild and join Yacuzza and hopefully the strength of all the original players of Empire would reunite again to make that guild a succesfull guild which it was once before.I say that I personnaly enjoyed each and everyone of you and had a great time with Empire you will all be missed and hopefully one day we can all get back together and make empire number one I left the guild only because I was being accused of being weak and not trying to make the guild strong by a player that wont hep anyone but wants to benefit from us helping him I will not lose any sleep again for any guild trying to make it succefull and to only be called weak it was a real blow below the belt.when bullz promised me that he was not going anywhere then right after GB he and a bunch of others left was also a big hit to this guild which I trully beleive was the falling of this guild.Stay true to your word is my motto but not true with so many players it was a big stab in the back to so many friends and (family).Good luck to all and hopefully we can be together again .Snibor

9Guild Master Empty Re: Guild Master Sun May 05, 2013 11:13 pm



Well guys, to me this is the end.
I really loved being in this great guild and with so many good people, but for my part was finished.
For me there have been some good moments, but it's time to open my eyes. This is not the guild that I joined, which was helping, tried to be stronger .....
I will leave wartune and I'll change to Shaiya because they play some friends.
It was a pleasure to contribute something to this guild and especially has been a pleasure to meet Bullz.
While not play, I will watch the forum if I can help with anything.
Bye guys. I am happy to meet you all.

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